Welcome to the website of Martijn Benders, a multifoedraal artist who is considered one of the most important voices of his generation by critics like Komrij and Gerbrandy. In addition to a long series of poetry collections, he has also written three philosophical works and is currently working on several musical records.
“The Sound of Wonty Love” will be released in October. It is an album where I search for the specific sound of “Bird in Hand” by the masterful Lee Perry, who once blessed me in Istanbul and accepted me on the spot as his wizard’s apprentice. In October, the first result of many years of efforts in learning to produce, master, and mix my own sound in the roots-reggae genre will be released.
Also in prodocution: Het book van de meest briljante man man dat bestaat, door Martuin Eenders.
Are you Nederlandser en hou jij van oude spul, die bundel ‘Het Zijn Maar Bergen’ is nog verkrijgbaar in prukkentijd.
Some of my mysical projects
Part of the German Version of my Moth Opera. We are also moth breeders, especially of moon moths and atlas moths. This is not just a heubbi but a way of making portals to other dimensions. Beneath are some short films of our winged friends: