The multidiminsional brain as default modus

The original human brain was multidimensional in the sense that it was capable of processing a wide range of information and stimuli. This allowed early humans to navigate their environment and respond to various challenges and opportunities. However, as human societies evolved and became more complex, the need for specialized knowledge and skills became increasingly important. As a result, the human brain began to develop specialized regions and networks that were better suited to specific tasks and functions.

The role of education, particularly in the form of schools, played a significant role in shaping the modern human brain. Through schooling, individuals were exposed to a wide range of subjects and disciplines, which helped to develop their cognitive abilities and broaden their horizons. This, in turn, helped to create a more diverse and adaptable brain, capable of processing a greater range of information and responding to a wider range of challenges and opportunities.

Brave New World

One of the key literary references that comes to mind when thinking about the evolution of the human brain is the novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. In this novel, Huxley explores the idea of a society in which individuals are genetically engineered and conditioned from birth to fulfill specific roles and functions. This society values specialization and efficiency above all else, and as a result, the human brain has become highly specialized and compartmentalized.

However, Huxley also suggests that this specialization comes at a cost. The citizens of his dystopian society are unable to think for themselves or to challenge the status quo, and as a result, they are unable to adapt to new situations or to innovate. In contrast, the original human brain was multidimensional and adaptable, which allowed early humans to thrive in a wide range of environments and to adapt to changing circumstances.


Another literary reference that comes to mind when thinking about the evolution of the human brain is the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. In this novel, Shelley explores the idea of creating life through scientific means. The creature that the scientist Frankenstein creates is initially intelligent and curious, but as it grows and learns, it becomes increasingly isolated and misunderstood. This isolation ultimately leads to the creature’s downfall, as it is unable to connect with other humans and to understand the world around it.

This novel serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of specialization and isolation. Just as Frankenstein’s creature becomes isolated and unable to adapt to the world around it, the modern human brain, with its specialized regions and networks, may be less adaptable and flexible than the original human brain. In order to maintain our adaptability and flexibility, it is important that we continue to expose ourselves to new ideas and experiences, and to challenge our assumptions and preconceived notions.

Martijn Benders has published twenty-six books, eighteen of which are in Dutch. He has been named one of the greatest talents of his time by critics like Komrij and Gerbrandy. He has also written three philosophical works, one of which is in English about the Amanita Muscaria, the Fly Agaric. Publishing on the international stage of The Philosophical Salon, he has also gained international recognition as one of the most remarkable thinkers from the Netherlands.