A Glimpse into My New Poetry Collection

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders: https://martijnbenders.substack.com/p/een-blik-op-mijn-nieuwe-dichtbundel

Alright, the site wetten.nl has been inaccessible all day. Have they taken it offline to prevent people from verifying information? Or is it overloaded due to heavy traffic? Mysteries, mysteries. Given that civil servants apparently enjoy this type of poetry and prefer leaving the judgment of poetry to administrators, this new poetic form seems crucial for achieving success as a poet.

Let’s move back to the music:

Innovative use of the vocoder in dub, at least that’s what I hope. I aim to finish my record this year. The cover art is already done:

A global masterpiece. Now to just put it together properly!

Best regards,

Martinus Benders

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