This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders
## Five Years in Prison for Possession of a Quran
I honestly don’t know *why* my mother always parked me in front of the television and then switched to *Die Sendung mit der Maus*. Perhaps there were simply few children’s programs on Dutch channels at the time, or maybe she wanted to make sure I learned German—who’s to say. But the fact that I’m now fully immersing myself into all things German is an indirect result of that.
Pieter Omtzigt’s burnout dominates the news, and the Christmas market in Magdeburg gets attacked by an Arab Wilders supporter. And then there’s some grotesque Mossad type who stops by to proudly showcase that abhorrent beeper attack—pure terrorism—and oh, how superior it all makes them feel. Christmas 2024, in other words.
Better examples of *consensus insanity* couldn’t be wished upon anyone. I can no longer stomach hearing *dreaming of a white Christmas*; in my view, the Laibach version is immediately the definitive one:
As for Omtzigt’s so-called burnout: leaving aside the moralizing talk, it’s still fascinating to watch the onset of early dementia strike live during television interviews (because that’s my analysis of what we witnessed—not a panic attack, but dementia: he couldn’t find his words anymore).
Because we apparently find it extremely important for certain factories in the Netherlands to keep emitting PFTAS, such early dementia, along with turbo-cancers, will sooner become the rule than the exception.
This too is an excellent example of *consensus insanity*. People can no longer connect cause and effect, and therefore do nothing about the causes of their own demise.
Another prime example: Wilders’ plan to throw anyone who owns a Quran into prison for up to five years. That was actually on the table during coalition negotiations—a plan that should be reason enough to confine someone to a psychiatric institution. I’m sorry, but it is about that insane.
And then you have the mob constantly shouting ‘Remigration!’ Uh, sir or madam, forcing minorities to remigrate is blatant racism. I truly apologize, but nothing is worse. That’s genocide territory.
How has it come this far? A constant shift to the right, made possible through the media and neoconservatives pretending to be leftists—a kind of puppet show of hired actors posing as representatives of ‘left-wing positions’ (primarily by silencing all unnecessary leftist voices). As a result, precisely because they keep refusing to tell the truth, they ensure that constant rightward shift.
And that truth isn’t ‘asylum seekers are the problem.’ The truth is: why do you support wars that make people homeless? Why do you mindlessly follow Biden and Trump? Why do you act as if it’s perfectly normal for countries to be bombed without a formal declaration of war?
It’s like having a neighbor who constantly smashes everyone’s windows ‘to ensure their house is safe.’
Anyone who accepts such fallacious reasoning is utterly lost as a human being.
Martijn Benders
December 24, 2024