An interview with M.H.H. Benders, poet and sage staying with the Venus of Mierlo
Can you tell us exactly what a Sage is? Is it a kind of Druid?
Druids were Celtic healers who had an incredible knowledge of the forest. That knowledge has been destroyed by the parasite, and if we had chosen to call ourselves ‘Druids’, we more or less claim to be Celts (we are not) and to have their knowledge (no idea). That is a problem for us. Amanita Muscaria or Waertstool grows all over the world. It is a universal medicine. The Druids knew and used it, but so did hundreds of other tribes around the world. The word Sage comes from the Rig Veda, mankind’s oldest writing. We are ‘Seers and Sages by sapience’, and that has common ground with the Druids, whom we consider friends of the forest.
Why Amanita Muscaria and not one of the dozens of other teacher plants or teacher mushrooms?
It is not an either/or. We often get referrals from the Jungle Mother Ayahuasca, for example. I know two female sages who, during their Ayahuasca trip, were shown this mushroom with the message: that’s the place to be. That is very special, when you think about it, plants and mushrooms house intelligences that refer to each other.
How can you become a Sage and what does it mean to be one?
A Sage is someone who has used the medicine and has vowed to help the Forest and be its representative in the human world. Everyone is welcome. Nobody is excluded, we don’t sell anything, the medicine grows for free in the forest. There are no diplomas, there is no hierarchy, the only condition is that you are going to help the forest. Sage means wise and it is an honorary title. Our main goal is to restore silence as the main nourishment of man.
Your movement seems to consist largely of women, why?
Our Waertstool aims to restore the planet and to achieve that it has to teach women to become assertive and to learn to say NO. Microdosing with the Amanita Muscaria is one of the best methods to do that. It activates a very old network in your body, the muscarine network, and whoever uses this mushroom notices that she changes from a shy, timid person who is lived by others in to an assertive, powerful woman for whom everybody is watching out. That is an enormous change, and that is why it is a very strong medicine, exactly the medicine that will help this planet that is weighed down by a parasitic patriarchal cramp of useless, childish men who are only good at squandering and spoiling.
But I am a man and I want the Viking birch-zerk experience!
Welcome and be our guest. But a warning to men: testosterone and Waertstool can be an explosive combination. Use it in moderation in human-social settings if you have a testosterone or anger management problem. It’s not worse than alcohol, that’s for sure, because it keeps you clear-headed. But you become more assertive than 80 Brucelees stacked on top of each other, so use it and channel that assertiveness into useful purposes. The fact that the Vikings used this remedy in battle and became invincible warriors is no joke.
Do I have to register somewhere?
Your registration form grows in the forest. Always research the right amount and the right preparation method.
How often can you use this medicine?
You should ask the medicine itself. Of course, it also depends on what your problems are exactly. You can use it as an antidepressant, or as a painkiller, or as a sleep aid, or as a dream companion – Amanita has many, many faces. And with it, many different types of use.
Here are some more great quotes and links:
The female seers of the Rig Veda
Ancient seer-poets, or ‘sages’, to whom the hymns of the Ṛg Veda were said to have been revealed. According to Brahmanical theology, they constitute the third group, alongside the pitṛs and the devas, to whom a debt (in the ṛṣis’ case, Vedic studentship) is owed by all twice-born men.
What is special about the Rig Veda is that as a scripture it is one of the few which simply has the brutal honesty to say I don’t know:
“Who really knows, and who can swear,
How creation came, when or where!
Even gods came after creation’s day,
Who really knows and who can truly say,
When and how did creation start?
Did she do it? Or did She not?
Only She, up there, knows, maybe;
Or perhaps, not even She.”
- Rig Veda
How miraculous is that? In an age where 99% of people are made up of know it alls who all have a help desk trauma. Yup, that’s 99% of society. Just look at social media. Every single one of them know it alls with a helpdesk trauma. Someone asks a question, and hundreds of different answers pop up all by themselves, leaving everyone unable to see the forest…for the trees.
Sage Martinus