Martinus Benders is a known philosopher and poet and autor of an upcoming book about Amanita Muscaria and the Microdose Bible.
We are familiar with the phenomenon of mimicry from the world of butterflies, where butterflies imitate the nature around them in incomprehensible ways, but what about deer and their favourite food, the amanita muscaria? How can it be that both show the same pattern?
This is a very literal translation of the credo ‘You are what you eat’. If you observe deer closely, you will see that they spend most of their time dreamily with their heads near the earth – and if the butterfly can be an angel for the host plant, why can’t an animal fulfil this role for a mushroom? Deer are magical animals in various shamanic traditions. In one of Castaneda’s books, a deer even comes to speak to Carlos, as I recall. (*) pang, a little looker
But those magic dots – they are remnants of the magic egg from which the Amanita came crawling. That the mushrooms also come from eggs is already miraculous – but it becomes even more miraculous when you examine the substances present in these dots. In addition to the normal active ingredients like muscimol and ibotenic acid, the specks also contain the nootropics NAC and Alpha GPC, both of which help the muscimol to bind to its ligand (nACHr). (1)
NAC – N-acetyl-cysteine
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is an acylated form of L-cysteine. L-cysteine is a sulphur-containing, semi-essential amino acid. The advantage of N-acetyl-cysteine is that it is more easily absorbed into the body than ‘normal’ cysteine. NAC supports the natural production of glutathione in our cells. Glutathione plays a role in protecting our cells against oxidative stress.
Alpha GPC
Extraordinary that the dots contain this substance, which the nootropics industry extracts from….? Sunflowers! Yep, Alpha GPC seems to be one of the best nootropics, it works on the choline receptors and provides the following improvements:
- Brain energy. Alpha GPC improves mood and mental energy. The extra choline increases alterity and clarity of thought.
- Neurotransmitters. Alpha GPC is praised for its power to improve memory. Its high bioavailability makes it a good source for choline to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
- Brain optimisation. Alpha GPC boosts the development of new brain cells. And it increases your brain’s ability to repair damaged membranes.
Dot picking
For those of you who would like to try the host mushroom / amanita muscaria but still have stage fright, I personally recommend trying what eating 7 or 14 dots will do to you – just pick them off the mushroom and eat them. You will get some ibotenic acid and muscimol, but not really enough to notice it, and you will get the nootropics mentioned above. See what that does to you, and if it works for you, you can just leave the mushroom for the animals.
Dot potion
I am working on a formula for a dot potion! If I ever finish it and the formula works, Martinus Benders readers will be the first to share the secret 🙂
Giving Nootropics a role in your life just like important mushrooms is partly due to developments in the biohack sector. Biohackers are people who try to get the most out of their body’s constitution by applying hacks where necessary in the form of substances that increase their own intelligence. The mushroom Lion’s Mane is a prime example – according to research, it has the power to make burnt-out neurons grow again, and those who use it notice a little more mental sharpness, and that little extra sharpness in turn has big effects on your life.
But the idea that these are new substances for your body can be put out of your mind. A person breathes in an average of one and a half kilo of mushroom spores through his lungs every year. From Lion’s Mane to Amanita Muscaria to Psilocybin – your body has known all these substances for a long time, you just never took them in quantities that the psyborg in your brain could notice.
Taking a breath is a skill that the predator excels in – if not via cigarettes then they will think of something else, mouth caps – the image of nature as the enemy must be maintained at all costs, as well as the restriction of mind-altering substances in the human body.
It is interesting to note here that biological science believes that deer have spots because this would increase their chances of survival. The theory is this: because young deer cannot run well, they drop to the ground like dead when a predator appears….and imitate a mushroom!!! The predator has great difficulty seeing them because of the pattern and therefore follows the mother, who can run fast.
It is a theory, but a nice one and a somewhat plausible one.
Also nice to see scientifically confirmed: during my various travels, I noticed that other animals simply have a different frame rate as well and that no ‘supernatural’ explanation is needed at all for, say, birds’ superb ability to group coordinate – scientists discovered that time passes more slowly the faster an animal’s metabolism works (2). This, in turn, suggests that the time-acceleration theory I discuss in my philosophy book (the Piranha), among others, is correct – you can actually slow down time by changing your metabolism.
Stories about masters who can do this to the extreme are found both in Toltec history and in the stories surrounding Kungfu and other martial arts. The secret of a true martial arts master may well be the ability to experience the time of the fight itself in slow motion.
We know from reports of people who used Amanita Muscaria in high doses – I myself am friends with a Sami shaman from Lapland who went as far as 30 grams dried, which is quite a high dose – that time can behave terribly strangely on such trips. I remember a report from someone who wrote that reality became a film and that between each successive image almost an eternity passed.
Put that in your pocket as a productive frame rate 🙂