This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders
Spreading Disinformation About the Green Bean
Two Colgate commercials from the same period, one Dutch and one British. In the Netherlands, the children are dressed like scouts, while in England, they look like neat little boys. But what is the really big difference between the two, aside from the irritating music in the first?
The scam formula. While in England the “Blue Minty Gel” is advertised without much fuss, in the Netherlands silly claims have to be sold about “effective fluoride protection with no less than two types of fluoride.” The toothpaste supposedly contains “two active fluorides.” What nonsense! And why do the Dutch seemingly fall for this while the Brits do not?
This thought crossed my mind when I nearly accidentally watched five minutes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I saw a hefty woman amateurishly performing a bad number; I thought, goodness, can’t you find a good artist with such a huge budget? Seconds later, it turned out to be “Lady Gaga.” For me, that was reason enough to turn off the TV immediately. But right-wing Netherlands made a fuss about this scene, with figures like Thierry Baudet complaining about it, calling it “blasphemy”:
Can Dutch people not count? If it was meant to depict the Last Supper, you would surely put thirteen people there, wouldn’t you?
Right-wing Netherlands threw themselves into proclaiming the supposed “satanic” nature of this ceremony. I met Van Uffelen at a cubist exhibition in Paris, and that was already satanic enough for me. But how little these conservative Christians actually know about religion. Satan is the opponent of established power, the holy king, who is an extension of the King in Heaven. This wasn’t government criticism; we were watching people not afraid of the dentist because they had brushed well with Colgate Bi-fluor.
But Benders, you might think, scam formula? Didn’t Colgate toothpaste really contain two types of fluoride? Sodium fluoride and monofluorophosphate. Completely scientific, no doubt. Spitzenforschung of the highest order, active and all. Combined with that cheerful scout melody, nothing wrong there, dear readers. I know all that, but the scam lies in the narrative: that this fluoride is “active,” as if there are also passive fluorides, but above all, the idea that this substance would make you “brave” (the opposite is more likely), and would “protect your teeth,” which scientifically speaking is utter nonsense.
We take care of our teeth, so most of us brush with fluoride. It supposedly forms a protective layer over the teeth, protecting them from cavities and other horrors. At least, that’s what scientists thought. Research now shows that the protective layer is so thin it actually does nothing. Big question: how does fluoride work? Read more on Scientas.
Good, all this is unnecessary for the British because they do have a taste in music, and with music, all that nonsense becomes superfluous. Oh, by the way, I’m talking about the right wing again, but those who profile themselves as “the left” on X merely go along with the blob:
Tasteless, shouts Ewoud Engelen in chorus with the other X cases. Demonic!
Oh, the Dutch. How quickly they are convinced by unscientific nonsense – as long as it has a formula and sounds somewhat scientific. And there they go again with the moral play, tripping over each other to portray righteous Christianity in a good light again.
A fluoride layer slips off the teeth as soon as you open your mouth. And Satan is not the opponent of the God-installed power; no, that power itself has become Satanic. Well, monsieur, but if you really believe that, you are a Gnostic. For according to Gnostics, the God Christians believe in is a kind of infantile god named Ialdoboath. A god who regularly needs to be called to order by his mother, Sophia.
But these people are not Gnostics. They do believe in worldly power but want to replace that worldly power with themselves. Thierry should be sitting there, Ewald Engelen should be back at the helm in the Volkskrant, according to him, because Volkskrant without Ewald is an elitist affair.
Spreading Disinformation About the Green Bean
Ewald, the man of the people. Coming from “the people who eat green beans,” as Ewald himself puts it in his letter to Pieter Klok. What a peculiar conspiracy theory, because the green bean was actually a delicacy for the wealthy in the past. Green beans, also known as princess beans or runner beans, have an interesting history that traces back to their origins in South and Central America. After the discovery of America by Europeans in the late 15th century, many new foodstuffs, including green beans, were brought to Europe.
Initially, many of these new foods, such as green beans, were exotic and rare, meaning they were often considered luxury products. This made them more accessible to the wealthier classes in Europe, who had the means to import and cultivate them in their own gardens. The exclusivity and novelty of such vegetables made them a status symbol among the nobility and wealthy citizens.
And yes, the haricot vert, which literally means “green bean” in French, is a variety of the green bean known for its thin, delicate, and tender pods. These beans are often smaller and less fibrous than typical green beans, making them particularly suitable for fine dishes and haute cuisine.
The popularity of the haricot vert in France and other parts of Europe has contributed to its association with refined and high-quality cooking. They are often quickly blanched to retain their vibrant green color and crunchy texture and are served in elegant dishes with subtle herbs and sauces.
No, it’s terrible how Ewald Engelen speaks about this famous and elite bean. Did he receive no education at all? I just returned from Paris, where I was served a single green bean on my plate in a genuine French restaurant.
Ewald spreads disinformation and is not credible, making himself look ridiculous, just like his crying wolf with the right over the umpteenth false moral play. No, only a fan of the mitrailleur would want to attend these Olympic Games in Paris.
Russia is not the first country to be excluded from participation in history, but it is the first country to supply about half of the gold medals, making these Olympic Games not very Olympic. The really interesting question is, of course, why Russia’s war in Afghanistan was no reason to exclude the country, but this war was. And why the war in Iraq was no reason to exclude the USA and Europe. Let me guess: because brown people are not considered people?
We will never hear the answer because such questions are probably tasteless. And so real tastelessness remained unscathed, and we don’t need to be afraid of the dentist because he brushed well. Where a single color sufficed in England and the suggestion of hard work combined with mint, yes, in the Netherlands such things don’t work. There must be a formula involved, a miraculous formula. Ewald as the popular boy with the elite Wilma de Rek, for instance, the active ingredients of a magic formula. Because we’re worth it. Oh, with an elite like this, who needs demons?
Martijn Benders 07-28-2024
What a nice ready-made…
…and the word ‘disgusting’ also grows abundantly. Flourishes? Oh look, I’m already as confused by all this poison as a gender-neutral person.