“The Pinocchio-Sexual”

“The Pinocchio-Sexual”

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders

In the Joe Rogan show, the anarchist Michael Malice refers to Harris as ‘America’s Winemom’, and there’s an interesting segment where photos of Biden are compared, showing him clearly at different heights.

Today I’m heading to Castlefest, so I don’t have much time to write a piece. Nonetheless, I had an epiphany: years of uncertainty about Mark Rutte’s sexuality vanished when I saw a Temu advert on Facebook.

The man is clearly Pinocchio-sexual, describing people who understand that lying is more than just not telling the truth.

Why does Dick Schoof remain desperately hidden in that fire-prone little tower with all those secret documents, all those byproducts of Committee Stealth and The Society of the Black Hand?

Isn’t that terribly passive-aggressive behavior? The man simply hopes the whole thing goes up in flames. All those missing text messages from the coronavirus period and all those other sneaky things—they had four years to move everything and install it elsewhere—plenty of time for any security measures. But no, there sits Dick in the fire-prone tower, hoping to be rid of his own past.

Is it progress that Pseudologus Devotus now has his own sex toys? Maybe they can all try a caterpillar form together? Ah, Benders, you’ve already addressed the nose in The Eternal Initiation—the fake nose as a symbol of power, which is quintessentially British. But what’s not British is discussing it.

Men who feel a deep connection with their own puppets. It reminds one of the history of the ventriloquist’s dummy and the history of Christianity itself: there was only one Christian and he died on the cross, as Nietzsche put it: but he died for all our sins and look, from that wooden cross, strings run to their arms and legs. He died for all our sins.

Who knows the intimacy with the imaginary friend better than the Christian? He comes, he comes, and he dies every time you forget to sin for a moment.

Puppet sexuality: didn’t Rutte also have a collection of teddy bears in the little tower? Wouldn’t he have kept them for his beloved puppet?

I think so.
I think Dick will accept the fines from Mayor Jan van Zanen. Bring on those fines! A hundred thousand per week, that is the salvation that awaits us, surely worth it for us puppets of duty.

The dutiful one died for all our sins. His own sins are instantly forgotten because memory has little grip in dead wood.

About the author

Martijn Benders has published twenty-six books, eighteen of which are in Dutch. Critics such as Komrij and Gerbrandy have hailed him as one of the greatest talents of his time. He has also written three philosophical works, one of which is in English and focuses on the Amanita Muscaria, the Fly Agaric. Publishing on the international platform of The Philosophical Salon, he has also gained international recognition as one of the most remarkable thinkers from the Netherlands.


There exists a considerable group of leftist individuals who vigorously opposed the prevailing coronavirus narrative, including some of the world’s leading philosophers, such as Agamben and Kacem. However, this stance was heavily censored and vilified by what is referred to as ‘neocon-left’ or ‘woke-left’, as something associated solely with what they deem ‘far-right’. In my book, I discuss the reasons behind these actions, the underlying motives, and how this is emblematic of a new form of fascism aimed at seizing power permanently.

The middle section of the book is dedicated to poetry. It features a beautiful selection of poems from the Mediterranean region, by poets from Turkey and Greece, who have been imprisoned and tortured by the regime.

The final part of my book is a manifesto against literary nihilism, as manifested in the Literature Fund. It reveals how this fund is dominated by a group of Christians and ‘wokies’, which is undesirable in a free society.

Amanita Muscaria – The Book of the Empress is an exceptional work that sets a new benchmark in the realm of mycophilosophy. While one might be tempted to classify the book within the domain of Art History, such a categorization would fail to capture its true essence. 

Amanita Muscaria – The Book of the Empress – De Kaneelfabriek, 2023

You don’t have time to read this, but that’s because you are no longer human. If anything remained of the original person within you, the old mycelia of childhood, you would learn a great deal from this book. In fact, its magical knowledge might become your most valuable possession. This is a book about human imagination and how it fell into the iron grip of transdimensional cockroaches. Additionally, it offers magical tips to significantly improve your life and time acceleration. M.H.H. Benders also takes a light-hearted yet scathing look at the entirety of Dutch literature. What more could you want?
