
The Castlefest of the Free Professions

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders The Castlefest of Independent Professions There seems to be a strange kind of misunderstanding about so-called “independent professions.” The titles “attorney” and “legal advisor” are not protected: in the Netherlands at least you don’t need to have undergone any training to call yourself a […]

Defiant Creatures: Unveiling the Myth of the Donkey Deity

This article is based on this dutch article of Martijn Benders Soon, I will set off for Pinocchio Island. After a thorough inspection of Sinterklaas Island a few years ago, it is time to explore the satanic myths even deeper, all to ensure Operation Bosschebol makes a big impact. In some translations, Pinocchio Island is […]

Fianna Fáil: Soldiers of Fate as Swans

This article is based on this dutch article of Martijn Benders ### Fianna Fáil: The Soldiers of Destiny as Swans The cover of Ginneninne. It appears to be two holy swans, one pecking at the back of the other. But in reality, it’s “FF” turned upside down, symbolizing Fianna Fáil. The word “Fianna” refers to […]

“The Existential Void of Foekje Dillema”

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders We need to talk about Finalspark. These people design brains that they subsequently torture to “steer them in the right direction,” but it’s not considered torture “because these aren’t real brains.” Can you still follow? We’re talking about FinalSpark, a new company collaborating with […]

“The Pinocchio-Sexual”

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders In the Joe Rogan show, the anarchist Michael Malice refers to Harris as ‘America’s Winemom’, and there’s an interesting segment where photos of Biden are compared, showing him clearly at different heights. Today I’m heading to Castlefest, so I don’t have much time to […]

Brutal Aggression in the Context of the ‘Olympic Games’

This article is based on this dutch article of Martijn Benders Rough Aggression Over the Olympics After surpassing 100 subscribers on YouTube, things moved rather quickly: last month, I gained another 100 subscribers. This is a much faster growth compared to, for example, TikTok, which I find a challenging medium because TikTok fundamentally revolves around […]

The Orgy as the New Olympic Sport

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders In the previous episode, we unveiled an astonishing paradox: the communist hardliners, who seemed to have an ideological chasm with Thierry Baudet and other neoconservatives, shared exactly the same taste in art. But it gets even more striking when you consider that, on the […]

The Hegelian World Spirit

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders The Hegelian World Spirit Let me get straight to the point. Can someone explain to me why this is an improvement over Biden? The dementia is equally distressing, especially at such an early age. People are becoming demented at increasingly younger ages, and that, […]

Remigration of Christians, Depression, and Toothpaste

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders In England, a mosque was stormed yesterday as a right-wing reaction to a stabbing incident where a boy whose parents came from Rwanda stabbed several girls. On Instagram, I saw a call for ‘remigration’ from the FVD, seemingly triggered by this incident. However, there […]

“Blasphemy in the World of Green Beans”

This article is based on this dutch article of Martijn Benders What came before: Ewald Engelen is expelled from the Volkskrant and writes an indignant letter to Pieter Klok, making it clear that without him, the man of the people, only an elitist newspaper remains. How is it possible that I can tag Ewald Engelen […]

The Dissemination of Misinformation Regarding the Green Bean

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders Spreading Disinformation About the Green Bean Two Colgate commercials from the same period, one Dutch and one British. In the Netherlands, the children are dressed like scouts, while in England, they look like neat little boys. But what is the really big difference between […]

Against all Gloomeries

This article is based on this Dutch article of Martijn Benders:  As if the devil plays tricks: exactly one year after Sinéad O’Connor’s suicide (which must still be called a ‘natural death’ but must be accompanied by the standard suicide warning – who can still follow this? Why first conceal it’s a suicide and then […]