Fly Agaric and the Battle Against Fear: Unveiling the Enigma of Social Anxiety
Exploring the intricate nature of anxiety disorders takes us on a journey into the labyrinth of the human psyche. What exactly defines an ‘anxiety disorder’? How does it manifest in individuals, and, more importantly, what fuels this perplexing phenomenon? It is with unwavering certainty that we declare infants and young children untouched by the incessant presence of an “anxious voice,” which relentlessly burdens those afflicted by anxiety disorders.
So, from where does this voice originate, and how does it come to be?
To find answers, we must turn our attention to the tumultuous stage of puberty—a time when social foundations crumble just as our bodies undergo remarkable transformations. This intentional disruption seems designed to pull the rug from under our young feet, causing immense stress that unfavorably impacts the delicate web of brain connections. These neural mycelia, in shock, reflexively shrink, forming a constellation around a central generator that invariably interprets physical and ideological discomfort as a reflection of intellectual inadequacy.
The Voice of Fear: A Haunting Presence:
“You are not enough. You are ignorant. Do you contribute to a dismal world? Well, there’s no choice, as everyone plays their part.” This relentless voice assumes dominion over the contracted mycelia, where attention spins aimlessly. To transform this state, we must first understand the conventional approach of psychiatry.
Pharmaceutical Interventions:
In conventional psychiatric practices, the recourse often lies in pharmaceutical interventions—antidepressants, antipsychotics, or benzodiazepines—medications that temporarily mask the insistent voice and render life more bearable. Yet, deep down, we all recognize that this is not a genuine solution, and psychiatrists themselves are aware of this fact.
Reviving the Mycelial Growth:
To truly restore and heal, a different path beckons, one that diverges from the pharmaceutical path. Our bodies possess an intricate network of receptors, but modern society perpetuates a perpetual deficit of serotonin and dopamine, compelling us to seek solace and pleasure externally.
However, there exist dormant networks, remnants of our ancestral past. Activating these networks transforms the entire game. Even if anxiety has dominated one’s adult life, and even if the individual identifies with the tormenting voice, it must be realized that this voice is but a parasitic entity—an impostor masquerading as one’s true self.
Disarming the Parasitic Entity:
To disarm this entity, we must liberate ourselves from the constraining circuits of serotonin and dopamine. Activating the ancient muscarinic receptor network, with the aid of substances like Amanita Muscaria, unleashes a primal force within. This force ignites assertiveness, heightened awareness, mental acuity, and spiritual tranquility.
The Path of Activation:
As the aged mycelia reconnects with the once-constricted domain where attention was ensnared, genuine healing transpires. The constrictions dissolve, and the luminosity of the brain’s mycelia is restored, causing the false parasitic generator to fade away like an illusion.
Embracing Activation, Not Anesthesia:
The parasitic entities resist the expansion of the mind, for their existence thrives upon contraction. They recoil at the prospect of transformation. While psychedelics may magnify fears, there exists a remedy that, in measured doses, avoids this pitfall. It awakens a forgotten voice within—a voice of strength, resilience, and wisdom.